Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Spohr Gardens Falmouth.

August begins tomorrow.  Still there are Black eyed Susans, Tiger Lillies, Rose of Sharon, and Bee Balm blooming at Spohr Gardens in Falmouth,Massachusetts.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Central Ave.,
Bournes Pond Rd.,
Zell St.,and
Yacht Club Rd in Menauhant all had houses shown on the House Tour.  One house on Bournes Pond Road had a dog shower bathroom,6 large green seltzer bottles  on the mantle of an enormous fireplace straight out of the Old Faithful Lodge and was 10,000 square feet. The rest were grand with great water views except a simple 1901 Cape Cod Grey unheated Summer cottage on Central Ave. 

We toured 2 of 3 homes owned by a family on Green Harbor Road.  One was white inside and the other had wood paneling.   The second house was built for the owners schooner.  He bought the house for its dock on Green Pond,tore it down and had Hutker Architects build a new one with a boat garage.  Green Pond opens onto Vineyard Sound.
On the tour to benefit Highfield Hall we were not allowed to take pictures inside.  Thus the accompanying photos are of the exteriors,the gardens and the waterviews in East Falmouth,Massachusetts on Cape Cod.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mariano Rivera

SPACED OUT (@yanked) tweeted at 11:01 PM on Tue, Jul 16, 2013: Enter the Sandman. Mariano Rivera last All Star Game ( Get the official Twitter app at

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Style Awhile

   Let us leave pretty women to men with no imagination.  MARCEL PROUST

Ooh La La by Jamie Cat Callan


How do I know?  The Bible tells me so.

Gun control now!

Gunfight At The OK Corral

   1 out of 17 people in Florida have a concealed weapon permit which can be purchased for less than $200.  Trayvon Martin vs George Zimmerman was not a fair fight.  How many children are given a concealed weapon permit?  George Zimmerman killed an unarmed teenager at point blank range with a 9 millimeter gun.  George Zimmerman used hollow point bullets.  He screams like a child but carries a powerful gun.  He's a spineless wimp exonerated by a White jury of his peers.  That's six White women who are more  frightened than he is of  Black teenagers.  Why doesn't  Florida have 12 people on a jury like every other state?  Angela Corey appointed by the Republican Governor, who should be in jail for Medicare fraud, saluted The Right To Bear Arms,concealed weapons permits and Stand Your Ground.

Guess who is planning to run for Attorney General?  If Angela is lucky it's an appointed job.  Her buddy the governor will give her that for putting up a sloppy prosecution.

           So in Florida the next  time someone goes ahead of you on the deli line at the supermarket don't say anything unless you're packing some heat or you will be one dead baloney buyer.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


At 10:01 p.m. on July 13th, 2013, 6 female jurors found George Zimmerman not guilty for killing Trayvon Martin.

Nancy Grace

   Nancy Grace's twins should be taken away from her.  If she treats them the way she treated two grown Jewish lawyers then she would be guilty of child abuse.  Nancy Grace is rude, condescending and down right nasty to adults.  How does she treat children?  Her voice is piercing and nasty.  Children should never be subjected to that.  Neither should two Jewish lawyers.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Cement Sidewalk Control

     How low can you go?  Mark O' Mara carted in a slab of cement sidewalk as a weapon used by Trayvon Martin on George Zimmerman.   That's shameless overkill just just like George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin at point-blank range with hollow point bullets. 
Shameless Irish American hyperbole!

Don't Tell the National Cement Slab Association that we plan to ban them in America as deadly weapons.

The last person killed by cement was Jimmy Hoffa.


Trayvon was a child who had a right to walk in that neighborhood and had a right to defend himself from a man who was pursuing him.


A  9 millimeter gun when used at point blank range equals death for a 17 year old especially with hollow point bullets.

Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time. 

Murder by concrete

Maybe George tripped and fell on his head.

Ridiculous defense.

O'Mara criticized the prosecution.

The prosecution was pathetic and perhaps designed to defend the police department.

He lost half his blood


Who is the victim?

Japanese Voice Expert

Don't we have any native English speakers who could be voice experts?