Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gunfight At The OK Corral

   1 out of 17 people in Florida have a concealed weapon permit which can be purchased for less than $200.  Trayvon Martin vs George Zimmerman was not a fair fight.  How many children are given a concealed weapon permit?  George Zimmerman killed an unarmed teenager at point blank range with a 9 millimeter gun.  George Zimmerman used hollow point bullets.  He screams like a child but carries a powerful gun.  He's a spineless wimp exonerated by a White jury of his peers.  That's six White women who are more  frightened than he is of  Black teenagers.  Why doesn't  Florida have 12 people on a jury like every other state?  Angela Corey appointed by the Republican Governor, who should be in jail for Medicare fraud, saluted The Right To Bear Arms,concealed weapons permits and Stand Your Ground.

Guess who is planning to run for Attorney General?  If Angela is lucky it's an appointed job.  Her buddy the governor will give her that for putting up a sloppy prosecution.

           So in Florida the next  time someone goes ahead of you on the deli line at the supermarket don't say anything unless you're packing some heat or you will be one dead baloney buyer.

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