Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Grand Illumination Night 2013

It wouldn't be summer without the lanterns in Oak Bluffs in August.  All the gingerbread houses are full of colorful lanterns hanging from the porches and the rafters.

There will be a community sing in the Tabernacle and the Vineyard Haven band organized in 1868 by both Confederate and Union veterans of the Civil War will play for the crowd.

A signal will be given in the open air Tabernacle and all the houses in the camp meeting ground will be lighted.  It's a Summer tradition on Martha's Vineyard.  Perhaps the President of the United States who is vacationing on the island will attend this year. 

It will be a perfect night.  Clear, cool and fresh describes today.  Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.  As John Wesley said:  The best of all is God is with us.


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