Monday, August 5, 2013

Pretty in Pink

Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard has a Camp Meeting Ground with many colorful two story Gingerbread houses from the early 20th century. The Oak Bluffs beach is still called The Inkwell.  That's the beach where the Black residents swam.   President Obama spends his August vacation here in Martha's Vineyard in the predominantly White town called Chilmark. The President always comes over to Oak Bluffs for fish and chips at Nancys where all the Jamaicans work.

Oak Bluffs was traditionally a Black vacation town except for the Methodist Camp Meeting Ground.  At first the Methodists used tents for their annual camp meeting.  Eventually 100 or more gingerbread houses were built.  The owners own the houses but lease the land. They are required to hang up lanterns for the August Ilumination Night.  There is an open air Tabernacle building in the center of the meeting grounds.  Each year after the band plays and there's a community sing, a signal is given from the tabernacle building  and all the houses light up the lanterns.  It is a tradition just like the Inkwell.

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