Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The lighthouse

The rocky ledge runs far into the sea And on its outer point some miles away The lighthouse live its massive masonry A pillar of fire by night of cloud by day

Monday, September 23, 2013

Oprah's recent nervous breakdown

Its her 18th breakdown. She went to the shelter of your mother's little helper. It's just Oprah's 18th nervous breakdown.

Let me post something plus pictures

It is so annoying. I can't post anything on this blog since I changed my password

Friday, September 20, 2013


White sails in the Sun White lighting on the water White beauty sail on That's a swan haiku. Who knew? Haiku

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bad movies Cable television shows them for free constantly

Cable television shows them constantly. Once in a while there is a good one. There are commercials constantly all the tim


It works if you work it to work it you're worth it. Now I can put pictures in all of a su.dden


by a paranoid schizophrenic who was hired to work in the gigantic Naval Yard in Washington DC with a billion billion billion dollar budget. he passed all the background check. He bought .a shotgun in Virginia. The mental health clinic at the Naval Base in Newport Rhode Island was not allowed to reveal his mental health prob lems

It was a rifle Not an AK 15 that he bought in

It took a day for CNN to get that straight. I don't think they really. care about the truth

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blogger has blogged me out

Come on let us post something once in awhile.


Hope springs eternal. If I push HTML it works. Who knew? Kreskin Also there's no punctuation annoyi now I can put me photos on

I lost my blog what else is new?

I constantly try to write blogs.  I change my passworf and then I can never access them.  OY VEY!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

It ain't over till the fat guy pitches

  Some fat guy from the minors just pitched giving up a grand slam in an important game vs the Red Sox for the Yankees.  Why why why? The Yankees have a lot of injuries.  But basically the whole thing is fixed. 

Say it ain't so Joe! 

My old blog

Boyling Mad

Today is The Tomorrow You Worried About Yesterday

One day at a time.
Forget and forgive is a good way to live. 
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile.

If you have 9 kids in a row, Baseball teams make money you know.

Keep your sunny side up
Hide the side that gets bluer.

Just like a fried egg
Keep your sunny side up.

It works if you work it, so work it you're worth it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One Life. Live it.

   That's the bumper sticker on a Jeep.  Actually it's the spare tire cover.  It's better than another one I saw on a Jeep:  Drive it like you stole it.

One life.  Live it like a blonde. 

Crescent Moon and Sunset At Summer's End

One last hot flash of an old Summer saluted September 11th's 12th Anniversary with a crescent moon standing at attention.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

$45 Fish

We caught 2 fish on a half day trip costing us $90 for two people on the Patriot II out of Falmouth  Harbor.  That's $45 per fish.  The good news is that it was a picture perfect day on the water of Vineyard Sound.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Questions Persist About Standoff Death of Man 107

Now that's news.  Who what where when why and how are the questions.

Do What You Like and Like What You Do

     What do you like?  Can you afford to hire you?  Would you fire you?  How about a raise?  How much vacation time do you deserve?  Thanks to Medicare you know you'll have health benefits. 

      So it's a no brainer.  Retirement is when you pay yourself to do what you like. 

         What do you like?  Start doing it.
  Begin now.  It's later than you think.

September Song

Sunny yesterday my life was full of pain.  The dark days are gone.  Sunny September I love you. Sunny September oh so true.  Sunny I love you.

3000 were killed and two giant Twin Towers 100 stories plus high were destroyed by terrorists in New York City on a sunny September 11,2001.  Saudi Arabian suicide bombers hijacked airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center.  An hour later both towers fell to the ground.  3000 were killed.  The Pentagon was hit by a hijacked plane and another airline  headed for the White House or the Capitol was crash landed by the passengers into a field in Pennsylvania. They all were killed but Washington was saved.  The President had to be flown to a bunker in Nebraska from Tampa where he was reading a picture book to children in a  classroom.

Husbands and wives little children lost their lives
It was sad when the twin towers fell down.

Never again!

But they bombed the Boston Marathon with pressure cooker bombs hidden in backpacks at the finish line in 2013.  Some people were killed including children and some lost a leg or two.  These were Russian Muslims terrorists from Kazhjistan.

Now we may bomb Syria to aid the rebels because the government used nerve gas.  We destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan and finally killed Whitey Bulger who was in hiding in plain sight for ten years -I mean Bin Laden.  The CIA has toppled the dictators in Egypt,Iraq and Tunisia.  They call it the Arab Spring.

This is the American Fall.  It's gorgeous. 

We feel we must control  the world.  It's all about oil in the name of democracy.  The American people are tired.  What is the purpose of the UN?  Why won't Russia and China help?  I guess they get their oil elsewhere.  Kazjkhistan or Iran? 

It looks like we're taking the American Fall for Europe and the rest of the world.  Charlie Rose has the nerve to interview the head of Syria.  It's like talking to Hitler.

The best and the brightest can't figure this one out or the financial meltdown of 2008.  Who will take the fall?

Sunday, September 8, 2013