Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dred Scott decision

NPR News (@nprnews) tweeted at 10:36 AM on Tue, Jun 25, 2013: Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Provision Of Voting Rights Law ( Get the official Twitter app at


WESH 2 News (@WESH) tweeted at 10:59 AM on Tue, Jun 25, 2013: Update: A witness has provided a description of the golfer who police said beat a man after confronting him. ( Get the official Twitter app at

a beautiful thought from a beautiful mother

Sybrina Fulton (@SybrinaFulton) tweeted at 11:02 AM on Tue, Jun 25, 2013: Day 12 - When Christ is the center of your focus, all else will come into proper perspective. ( Get the official Twitter app at

Miami Bound

Miss Jeantel came up from Miami to Sanford to testify that she was the last person to speak to Trayvon Martin before he was killed by a crazy assed cracker.  The defense lawyer can't comprehend Miami speak.  The cell phone witness can't read cursive writing that her friend used to write her statement to Trayvon's mother.  It's all lost in translation.  Her family also speaks French.  Jeantel's recorded interviews that have been played over and over so the court reporter, judge and jury, and lawyers can understand. 

Yesterday Miss Jeantel was  visibly annoyed and sassy when she was questioned over and over again by the defense lawyer.  She made it clear that she never wanted to be a witness.  But eventually she agreed to testify. 

Today she seems to be more cooperative and polite and willing to try to bring Trayvon's killer to justice.  Her total self concern yesterday was shocking.  The whole world is watching this case.

Boyling Mad: Going South

Boyling Mad: Going south: The United States South especially Florida continues in the 21st century to be a dichotomy of space shuttles, descendants of former slaves, ...

Going south

The United States South especially Florida continues in the 21st century to be a dichotomy of space shuttles, descendants of former slaves, towns named after Confederate kernels, descendants of orange grove pickers, unwritten Jim Crow laws, Civil Rights martyrs  memorials , high unemployment and low wages, and retired Northerners living in  gated communities.  The Trayvon Martin/ George Zimmerman Trial is caught in the middle - lost in translation.  No one can understand one of the witnesses except Southerners.  Draw y'all.  When testamony is rebroadcast at night there are subtitles. 
The World is watching.  Welcome to the 21st Century America. I hope the Supreme Court is watching.  They just had the audacity to limit the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
The Moores pictured in this article had their home bombed on Christmas Eve in the 1950's probably because they tried to register black voters on the Space Coast.  Their little yellow house is now a museum in MIMS, Florida near Sanford, Florida where Trayvon Martin was murdered. They both died probably killed by creepy assed Crackers on Christmas Eve. The Moores were both school teachers.  Their daughter Evangeline is still alive.  Both the Brevard County Courthouse and  Highway 46 are named after the Moores.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Anchors Away

Orange tiger lilies
Above the black anchors
At Spohr Gardens
A public park
in Falmouth,Massachusetts.
This is for Mr. And Mrs. Spohr who bequeathed  their home, Gardens and anchors on Oyster Pond to the Town of Falmouth as a public garden.  Admission is free. One anchor is purported to be from the HMS Bounty.

What's Up Tiger Lily?  They always bloom by the 4th of July.  Orange you glad?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rumors of Ken Duke's victory were greatly exaggerated

Chris Stroud just tied Ken Duke at The Travelers Championship in Cromwell,Connecticut.  Duke had a 66 and Stroud had a 67. SO NOW IT'S A Sudden Death Playoff on the 18th.  Then they go to the 18th again and if necessary to the 17th.  Bubba Watson triple bogeyed on the 16th. He won the tournament in a three-man playoff in 2010.  This year 16 was his Waterloo.  Bubba blamed it on his caddy.  A real class act! 


Take this club and shove it

I ain't carrying your bag anymore, replied Bubba Watson's caddy. Bubba had commented on national television "Right club huh?"  Then the caddy sang," Take this job and shove it" and dumped Bubba's bag into the Travelers Championship Lake Cromwell Connecticut with the red umbrella in the middle.  NOT!  But that will be story back at the Caddyshack.  Where's Rodney Dangerfield when you need him?  "Thanks,"said Ken Duke later to Bubba's caddy.  "The check is in the mail." KEN DUKE WINS ON THE PGA TOUR FOR THE FIRST TIME AT 44.  Thanks Bob Toski his instructor who won The Travelers in Cromwell, Connecticut in 1953.


  The Duke of Earl KEN DUKE,age 44 has a chance to get his first PGA win at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell, Connecticut.  On Sunday he's tied for the lead.  As we know no one can beat the Duke of Earl.   Duke Duke Duke Duke
Duke of Earl.  Can Ken do?  

Being There

I walked18 holes at the TPC River Highlands Golf Course in Cromwell Connecticut while attending The Travelers Championship.  Now sitting on my couch watching it on television it is so much more meaningful because  I felt the sun and sweat, saw the beautiful fairways and the red Travelers Insurance Company umbrella floating green in the lake near 18 and marveled at the skill of the young golfers.  Of course being a senior citizen I followed middle aged Angel Cabrera.  I couldn't keep up.  I was his sole gallery.  Angel left many putts right at the edge of the hole that day.  Without me today Angel scored a 63.  "Gallery schmallery," said Angel in Spanish this Domingo. Adios Connecticut.

CBS is showing the seniors Instead of the Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut

Where does that leave the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp to benefit Children with Cancer?  Paul Newman is turning over in his grave seeing the short shrift given to the Travelers Championship on CBS.  They are showing us The European BMW tournament too.  Now there are twitters about Olympic Day Golf.  We whohave attention deficit syndrome ADS can't follow this World Tour of Golf.  Plus Bubba Watson is one heck of a lot better looking than Craig Stadler.  We think we'll see Bubba and we see the walrus.  It's starting to sound like a John Lennon's song.  I am The Walrus.

Angel Cabrera gets a 63 on Sunday at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell,Connecticut.

Boyling Mad

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bacon bites Back

Bacon birdies and bonding control Charley Hoffman's Golf life.   His tooth has been breaking and being rebonded since the PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP in May.  But the birdies keep rolling in.  HOFFMAN,DELAET and WATSON are now tied for the lead at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut going into Sunday. Charlie now only eats a kosher breakfast.  No bacon please.


TAll dark and handsome vs tall dark and handsome

All dark and handsome vs tall dark and handsome

      Yellow vs turquoise shirts.  Lefty vs righty. Last year's winner vs a past winner.  Florida vs Texas.  Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut on Saturday.

First Tee for the Hole in the Wall Gang

   The Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut Charity for children with cancer That Paul Newman started.  The hole in the wall camp for children with cancer is is located near Storrs Connecticut.  The hole in the wall camp is the main charity of the Travelers Championship.  Before Obama care some families had to mortgage their home to pay for chemotherapy for their children with cancer.  Eventually the home would be foreclosed to buy medicine for their children.


Padraig  Harrington has his
motor ready to make a charge at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut on Saturday.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Bubba Watson

    Bubblelicious.  He's the  leader on Friday at the Travelers Championship of Golf in Cromwell, Connecticut. He won a few years ago. Bubba blew himself to the top of the leader board.  Double bubble no trouble  Bubba.

The 15th

Hunter Mahan


Hunter Mahan bogeyed the ninth after a lifetime in the sun waiting for Fowler to hit from the fringe.

Double bogey man

John Daly was on the 9th green and then his yellow and orange tiger pants made him do four putts.  Maybe it was the cigarettes or the ex wife in jail or overweight or alcoholism that made him implode in front of the gallery at the TPC Travelers Championship.  Or maybe it's all in the game.  Many a tear has to fall.  It's all in the game.  The game of golf and life.  No one is immune but Tiger colored pants exacerbate it.  Dress code please.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


You don't have to go to university
To know what to have when you are thirsty ity


  But At the Travelers Championship In Cromwell Connecticut, Its Charley Hoffman. Charley scored 61 today and is leading at -9.  Hoffman has long shoulder length blonde hair.  He looks more like a hippie college student or a caddy than a professional golfer.  But you don't need to go to university to know that CHARLEY HOFFMAN plays golf with perversity.


"You can hit it if you want to ruin a perfectly good club," admonished Brian Gay's caddy when the golf ball landed on the asphalt cart path at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut.  So Brian hit it and made it back to the fairway without hopefully injuring his arm or club.

Angel Cabrera

The 40+ aged golfer from Cordoba,Argentina was 1 under par as he made the turn at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell Connecticut on Thursday.  He parred the 10th as he tried to match Hunter Mahon who finished Thursday at 8 under.
  Not bad for a cigarette smoking, flamenco enthusiast middle aged man.  So don't cry for him Argentina.

White pants

"I haven't seen white pants since my last bar fight,"said a Boston Bruin player to his team mate on his return to the locker room after breaking his leg.  The injured player was sporting white pants.  Many PGA pros wear white pants but hopefully to sports bars populated by men missing teeth speaking with Canadian accents.  Eh?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I look.  I see.  I write.  Therefore I am.  That's what Billy Collins says poets do.  They stand by the window looking out. 

  "I am what I am," as Popeye used to say.  " I do what I do," as I say.  Its like kindergarten.  I play, I write, I paint and  then it's time for milk and cookies. 

" I hate writing.  I'd rather dig ditches," said my first writing teacher.  " Writing is work," he moaned.  This nameless professor said you must be able to write nonfiction well before you can write fiction. 

I also had a magnificent art teacher in adult education who said you practice drawing every day, you would be a good artist in one year.  Luckily for me who likes to play there is modern art.  An artist can take a bottle from the trash, fill it with blue colored water, place it in the center of a room and call it art.  Andy Warhol traced his pictures and then painted them. 

I walk, bike, swim and visit art museums, libraries, gardens, quaint  little Cape Cod towns, and beaches often.  I am always taking photographs and putting them on Facebook for my friends to ignore.

I help my neighbor who is blind.  From the first day I met her 10 years ago, this now 80 year old widow made it clear she did not need help.  I give her a ride, shop with her, walk her guide dog and hang out with her because she's fun and I want to.  Of course it is community service. 

Recently I've decided this year to go to church every Sunday.  Which is really funny because the dynamic, charismatic priest left last year.  I've also decided to go to the Cape Cod League baseball games in town.  Jakoby Ellsbury who please for the Red Sox is leaving the American League in stolen bases.  Ellsbury played for the Falmouth  Commodores  in the Cape Cod League before he went professional.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What Do You Do?

I've been retired for 13 years.  Even when I worked I was semi retired.  We always got a two month summer vacation.  Since I have a Masters Degree in French, I always went to Europe.  I saw a more of France than most French people. 

Since I retired I have been buying and selling houses.  I made a big profit.  But the crash of 2008 put an end to that.  So finally lately I travel again to Europe.  I went to Paris twice this year.  It was cold in February and rainy in May there. 

At my Cape Cod house which I bought in 2003, I bicycle to the pond near my house every day.  One morning in 2005, I found a man hanging from a tree there.  The 56 year old Vietnam veteran had committed suicide that morning dressed in a white shirt, white jeans and white sneakers by hanging from that tree around the corner from his house. He left a wife and baby.  Previously he had tried to do it in his garage.  When I found him he had succeeded. 

Now when I go to the pond I always straighten the cross that I put under that tree.  The cross is made of clam shells, blue mussel shells and sticks.  Marauding squirrels and  overly efficient gardeners are always disturbing the cross.  I straighten it each day.  The dead man's wife and child still live around the corner.  I have never seen them at the park on the pond in Old Cape Cod. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

On the deck at Sandy Neck

Its 4 p.m. at Sandy Neck
On Cape Cod Bay
On a beautiful mid June day.


Break out another thousand $

Everything's coming up roses

These roses bloom every June in Falmouth on the white picket fence.


Sunny and hot
A beach day
I care not

I sit and mope
With my IPHONE
Like a dope



Bloomers that's cool


Read em and weep Bobby Darin



The spirea bloomed over night
All pink in the morning light
House of blue I see you too
Right under the red white and blue.