Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I look.  I see.  I write.  Therefore I am.  That's what Billy Collins says poets do.  They stand by the window looking out. 

  "I am what I am," as Popeye used to say.  " I do what I do," as I say.  Its like kindergarten.  I play, I write, I paint and  then it's time for milk and cookies. 

" I hate writing.  I'd rather dig ditches," said my first writing teacher.  " Writing is work," he moaned.  This nameless professor said you must be able to write nonfiction well before you can write fiction. 

I also had a magnificent art teacher in adult education who said you practice drawing every day, you would be a good artist in one year.  Luckily for me who likes to play there is modern art.  An artist can take a bottle from the trash, fill it with blue colored water, place it in the center of a room and call it art.  Andy Warhol traced his pictures and then painted them. 

I walk, bike, swim and visit art museums, libraries, gardens, quaint  little Cape Cod towns, and beaches often.  I am always taking photographs and putting them on Facebook for my friends to ignore.

I help my neighbor who is blind.  From the first day I met her 10 years ago, this now 80 year old widow made it clear she did not need help.  I give her a ride, shop with her, walk her guide dog and hang out with her because she's fun and I want to.  Of course it is community service. 

Recently I've decided this year to go to church every Sunday.  Which is really funny because the dynamic, charismatic priest left last year.  I've also decided to go to the Cape Cod League baseball games in town.  Jakoby Ellsbury who please for the Red Sox is leaving the American League in stolen bases.  Ellsbury played for the Falmouth  Commodores  in the Cape Cod League before he went professional.


  1. I just edited this. Blogger couldn't do it. It said I must for clothes. That's how blogger spells foreclose. Spell check please.

  2. Jacoby Ellsbury plays for the Red Sox. He leads the league in stolen bases. Per usual spell check got that wrong.
