Monday, June 10, 2013


Hyannis Sound sang their upbeat ALL MALE HARMONY on a rainy June Monday at 8 pm in Falmouth on Cape Cod ar The First Congregational Church. It's their annual weekly summer concert series. The audience was almost all women ranging in age from teenagers to senior citizens.   There was a giddy reverberation in the church anticipating the arrival of the singing young men. I bought a CD last year called ROUTE 6. One of the songs goes; "I saw a Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac,Don't look back,Never look back." I play it in my car when I drive around Cape Cod. The church has a PAUL REVERE bell,was granted a charter by the Plymouth Colony and had Katherine Lee Bates who wrote America The Beautiful's father as a minister in the 1800's.Maybe Hyannis Sound will sing it tonight. The government has approved 135 gigantic wind turbines in HYANNIS' NANTUCKET SOUND. HOW beautiful! But it was a beautiful concert with an unannounced new singing group from FALMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL called SOULFEST. The high school boys and girls brought some old time gospel soul to the Pilgrim Church. The soloists were superb with a powerful rhythm behind them. HYANNIS SOUND continued the theme with "SIT DOWN YOU'RE ROCKING THE BOAT" to finish their first acapella set before they went out to the lobby to sell their new CD. Look for their schedule at The singing group will be in Falmouth every Monday at 8. ,

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